Secure payment

Our site allows you to pay for your purchases by secure bank card, an international company specializing in secure online payment.
Your bank details are collected by our payment provider STRIPE which uses an encryption algorithm (level 1 of PCI certification which offers the highest level of security).

Our bank card payment solution is therefore PCI DSS certified by VISA and MASTERCARD: this international security standard ensures the confidentiality and integrity of cardholder data, and thus secures the protection of data concerning the card and the transaction .

Important: At no time does our site have access to your bank card number.

Your banking data is encrypted

They are encrypted using SSL, Secure Socket Layer technologies.
They do not circulate unencrypted on the internet and cannot be intercepted.
When making a payment, your credit card number will only be visible when entering the field.
Only the last 4 digits will be visible in your account, the others being hidden for security.
You can also delete your credit card information after each payment.

You can also use your PayPal account to pay for your purchases on our site.

Simply check the PayPal payment option and then validate the transaction using your PayPal username and password.

The amount of your purchase is debited from your PayPal account immediately. If you don't yet have a PayPal account, just a few clicks are enough to open one. It's free, fast and completely safe!

You can also use Paypal to pay by credit card without creating a Paypal account.